Thursday, September 16, 2010


Fully loaded (!) Haha, went to Lyana's, Zafri's and my long lost friend, Eqin's openhouse. Received duit raya from Lyana's hehehehe kami masih kecik :P Didn't capture many pictures, my camera battery dead. Konon bwk battery spare, padahal tk charge lagi. Bengong -___-" Razin berkepit with his new phone, BB (!) He asked me to buy BB too. Kau igt beli BB mcm beli icecream 20sen ke bang (?) Haha. Overall, it was fun today :)

I just knew about someone and im shocked. Yes, really shocked (!) Err she did the same thing to someone who used to be her bestf (?) Im curious. I really want to know your story. You know who you are ;)


Hazirah Hidayat said...

La, baju raya kau macam aku punya doh haha, ala ala kut :DD

helloLALAAA said...

Haha maybe sama kut, sbb kat Uitm pun aku ada sama dgn org -__-

helloLALAAA said...
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