Saturday, November 13, 2010


Tau tak perasaan kalau ada copycat (?) Rasa mcm cop sirim kene rampas then hak cipta terpelihara pun dah tkde. Salah ke kalau aku bengang or geram (?) Everyone have feelings, so do i. Tipu ah kalau tk bengang. Tak guna jgk kalau followers byk, tapi tiru ayat org ja kerja. So tkpyh lah nak bangga sgt dgn pencapaian kau tu ye. Aku tau followers aku sikit. But kesah haa (?) Sbb aku follow blog yg aku suka ja. I dont mind at all about the followers thingy. But yeah for all the followers, thank you for following my blog. I do appreciate it :) For me, blog is the place where i story about my routine life and all my feelings. And one of the story is about you copycat. Org tua tua ada ckp BERANI KERANA BENAR, TAKUT KERANA SALAH. Well, i dont have any fear about you. Not at all. But i have the guts to say about my bad feelings here. Dear my lovely sweetie copycat, just be yourself, get your own identity and use your own words. Ada faham (?) Pfft, poor you girl. Oh please, its not like i sit up at night and think about what you say to me. But thanks, i feel better now. Puuuuaaaaas haaaatiiiii sgt hihi. I dont blame anyone here, but yeah siapa makan cili, dia yg terasa pedas. Kan kan (?)


Anonymous said...

siapakahh ?

helloLALAAA said...

Nti aku crita, kene tunjuk bukti skali :D